It is that time of year to celebrate our great country, the U.S.A. Below are some simple outdoor hanging streamers that you can add to some posts or hang from furniture. (Don't mind my son in the background :) )

I bought ribbon, sparkly garland, hanging stars, and a sparkly boa at the $1 store. You will need wire and scissors also

Start making bows by criss-crossing the ribbon over a piece of wire, taking care to keep the design side of the ribbon facing outward.

Secure the bow with wire and fluff until you like the look. Attach to your boa ( I cut mine in half for my two posts). You will need to reinforce your boa with a long piece of wire down its entire length. I made three bows of differing ribbon and attached them evenly spaced to the boa.

I made the topper out of a bow of white tulle and a bow of sparkly garland tied together. It looks best messy, so don't worry about making it perfect.

When you secure the topper with wire, leave a long piece to tie around your posts.

Here is a completed garland. You can't see it, but I wrapped a very long piece of wire around the entire post to keep the bottom of the boa in place. If you don't it will blow in the wind and get messed up.

Have a safe and happy 4th!
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