Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Doggy Towel & Wash Cloth Set

How cute is this wash cloth?! This was something I picked up at the Christmas Idea House. How cute would this be for a baby, along with a jumbo towel? You can create ithe set with a few steps...

You will need:



felt (thin kind)

two straight pins
rubber hair band to match towel1. Roll towel long ways into a log

2. Fold log in half

3. Fold folded log in half again

4. Secure with ribbon in the middle of towel

5. Draw some ears on the felt. Leave long tails to tuck in.

6. Cut the ears out

7. Rubber band a portion of the towel to create the nose. This step took me a couple tries to get it right. Tuck in the felt ears on the sides.

8. Pin your felt nose to your puppy. I used black pins to look like "nostrils"

Here is the finished set! It was so easy and I love the way it turned out.

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