Monday, May 24, 2010

The best salsa/guacamole you will ever have!!!!

This is NOT my recipe. Oh I wish I could take credit for it! It is my Aunt Maggie's creation. I can't keep my hubby away from it once it is done.

The salsa is consists of:

2 cans diced tomatoes

1 can El Pato sauce (the yellow one unless you want really spicy-then green can)

1 bunch green onions

1 bunch cilantro

1/2 clove Garlic

Lime or lemon juice

chop and mix it together!

For the guacamole:

Take 1-2 cups of the salsa you just made and mix with a can a green enchilada sauce and 4-6 avocados and corresponding packets of "Great Guacamole mix,"(example 2 avocados=1 packet of mix). Add the juice of one orange. Mix.

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